How do I get rid of Camel Crickets?

What is the camel cricket?
The camel cricket gets its name from the humpback appearance that is like that of a camel. You have probably heard the names spider cricket, cave cricket, camelback cricket, and sand treader. This cricket is part of the Orthopteran family. It is light to dark brown in color often with lighter or darker spotted areas.

Lacking wings, these crickets have large hind legs and a lengthy set of antennae, which allows them to be able to navigate in darker environments. An adult camel cricket can grow to an average of 13 to 33 mm.

Do camel crickets cause problems?
While these spider-like crickets are harmless to humans and pets, they are extremely invasive species. They can cause damage to plants and belongings should they enter your home. They are mostly active at night and are attracted to places with high levels of moisture.

These species of crickets are not considered predators and their only defense against other predators is to leap. Using their extremely long legs, they can jump up to 3 feet when threatened. While they breed in the spring, the population of camel crickets is largest during the late summer, early fall seasons.

Why are camel crickets invading my home?
When you find these crickets in your home, they are in search of similar conditions of that outside. This usually leads them into dark areas, especially basements. Camel crickets do not have sound producing systems in their bodies, meaning, they do not make chirping sounds. This can make it harder to detect them.

There are some precautions you can take to assure they don’t intrude in your home: Keep all areas in and around your home free of moisture. Caulk and seal all cracks and crevices outside to not give them a way in. Keep storage items off the ground and away from the walls in your garage and/or shed.

Having a cricket or other pest problem? Contact Prime Pest Solutions and let us take care of your pest control needs.